Sorry to my 6 readers (ha!) for my lack of posting! I have been SUPER busy with preparing for James' deployment and then me becoming a gym rat! I've been going at it hardcore, and i'm LOVING it!! Update on that coming soon!! Anyways, last weekend was kinda hard for me.. my babies are growing up too quickly! We finally got Paige in her "big girl bed".. seriously, so much harder for me than it was for her. She LOVES her new bed and i'm so glad that this
transition has been an easy one for her.
Her new big girl bed... I have to get something on these walls.. any suggestions??

getting ready to take her first nap in her bed.. she was so excited!

night night time.. yes she still has her paci, only at night... but that's a whole other post! We're working on it!

AND THEN.. all in one weekend.. my big 25 lb 11 month old got a big boy car seat!

Lovin it! Next thing to check off the big boy check list for Mr.Luke man is going to be a haircut!!

and then this girl... Look how grown up she is looking! She just had her 100th day of second grade and is lovin every minute of it!