Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Special Day

My birthday this year was really my best one yet.. I really had SO much fun spending the day with the ones I LOVE the most!
We started out the day by going to breakfast with my Grandparents at Coco's.. It was pretty yummy.. definitely doesn't compare to good ol' Flo's in Chino but it did the job at getting our bellies nice and full :)

Black Friday Shopping= Those big'ol bags under my eyes and half asleep looks on our faces :)
The kids acting completely normal...

After breakfast, we bundled up and headed to Big Bear to play in the snow! This was my first time EVER seeing snow.. seriously SO much fun, I can't wait to go again!

This little plastic sled thing.. best $17 we've ever spent. We all took turns going down little hills in this thing and the kids (and parents) had a BLAST!


One of these days, all 3 of them will look AND smile at the camera at the same time! (maybe I shouldn't hold my breath though!)


Mommy's turn!!

we also had a small snowball fight.. I caught this little guy red handed tryin to get me!
(ps- doesn't he look SO big here?!?!) :(

Luke looks scared here, but he was lovin it!

Go Kay-Kay, go!

It was so beautiful up there!

I had to post this pic, everytime I see it I really do laugh out loud.. I guess Kaylynn's pants were a little slippery..LOL!

There ya go, now you can see her face.. you can't see it here, but she was holding onto my leg so she wouldn't slip again :)

After we were done playing we headed to the Village and looked in a few shops and ate dinner.. We were all FREEZING!!!!
I think I had Luke bundled up pretty well though, don't ya think?

The Christmas tree in the Village.. the kids weren't too enthused, they were cold and hungry.

Ahhhhhh! Nice and warm in the yummy Mexican restaurant.. I can't remember the name but if you're ever in Big Bear, eat at the mexican place!

I had such a GREAT day and i'm so happy to have spent it with the ones who mean the most! My heart is just bursting with LOVE and JOY! I am SO blessed!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving this year was once again at our house. I really enjoy hosting, and it's so much easier to be home when the kids are ready for bed :) I always have SO much to be Thankful for, but this year I felt even more blessed and Thankful for all that I have and for all of the people in my life. As always, our Thanksgiving was filled with FOOD,(too much food) game playing and toddler tantrums!
Grandpa carving the turkey... isn't he a cute little man?? LOVE him!

Mom and Grandma..The 2 greatest women I know. I'm SO extremely grateful for these 2. My Grandma just finished her radiation treatment for breast cancer.. SO Thankful that's over!

Thankful for my sister and the friendship that we have!

for some reason there isn't a picture of my Dad... but very Thankful for him as well :)

Thankful for all these kiddos!
silly girl!

even when they're acting like this....

still so Thankful to God that he chose me to be their Mommy and entrusted me with their little lives!

Most importantly I'm SO Thankful for this man! Thankful that I can make faces like this and he still loves me!

So Thankful to be his wife and be on this life journey together!

What are you all Thankful for??

...that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever! Psalm 30:12

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Turkey Plates!

Last week, we took Paige and Luke to "Paint a Dream" for a kids night class.. they made cute handprint turkey plates! Paige, my little craft queen LOVES this kind of stuff.. and she's really good at it. The class included pizza and juice for dinner, ice cream sandwiches for dessert and the plate! The place was slightly.. ok well, TOTALLY unorganized and chaotic because most parents just dropped off their kids and left them in the care of the 3 teenage employees.. But it was a lot of fun and I have a keepsake for years to come!
My little crafting beauty waiting patiently for her paint!

Luke... not so patient.. but quite entertaining with his silly faces!

I love Luke's face in this pic.. "Are we done painting PLATES yet mom??"

Showin off her work

gettin a little help from Daddy...

We picked them up a few days later and here is the finished product!