Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

"Losing it"
We live in a world where we are taught to get as much as we can. It feels good to gain and it feels bad to lose. So we avoid losing at all costs. But think about it; we come into this world with nothing and we will go out with nothing. So somewhere in between we had better learn to lose some things. Let go of some things. And give some things up. For the Bible says, "There is a time to gain and a time to lose; A time to keep and a time to throw away" (Ecclesiastes 3:6). I think most of us are better at the keeping part. It's the "losing" and the "throwing away" that we need practice in
If anyone knows the power of "Losing it", it's Jesus. He gave up more than anyone, and gained more than anyone. He said, "Whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matthew 16:25)
This was the theme of our Easter service this year and not only was it amazing, it made me really take a deeper look at my life and re-examine my priorities and what REALLY matters in this life. So ask yourself, what do you have to lose? You'll see that you really have SO much to gain when you do "lose" those things.

On a lighter note:)
We had such a great time this Easter with family and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord!
Paige and Luke definitely made out this year when it came to their Easter baskets. This year I decided I would get them set up for summer.. they each got a swim suit, sunglasses, bubbles, water toys, and then my grandparents and parents each bought some stuff for me to squeeze in there!
 Paigey showin off some of her loot :)

 SO hard to get a picture of them.. this is as good as it gets.

 After church (and NAPS) we went out back for an Easter egg hunt.. It was SO cold outside so we all helped out so we could go back in :)


 Playing with her purple bubbles... SO messy but SO fun!
 Auntie Becca and Paigey
 My handsome little man :)
Hope you all had a GREAT Easter!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Having some Easter FUN!

  I'm SO sad that James is once again missing Easter with us but SO excited and thankful that he will be home in 10 days! I realized tonight that James and I have NEVER done Easter eggs together! Not when we were dating, not during his 3 years on recruiting duty (he was ALWAYS working) and not these past 2 years because he was deployed last year and is currently training in Arizona! That makes me SO sad! We might be doing Easter eggs together for Mother's day this year just to say that we HAVE done it! Ha! Anyways...
 My parents, sister and grandparents all came over tonight to help me and the babies dye eggs!
 Paige, being the little artsy diva that she is did a GREAT job!
 Luke also did well.. he sat on my lap the whole time with his "yo" (yellow) egg and wouldn't let me touch it!
 She was SO proud of her purple egg!
 Not sure what Grandma was thinking...

 pretty girl!
 Auntie Becca showing off the finished product.. I know she just LOVES this picture!
 My parents

So fun! :)

Easter EGGstravaganza!

 Last Friday, me and the babies (yes, I still call them that) headed out to Irvine Regional Park with my parents. Right now is their annual "Easter Eggstravaganza". We had never been before and the weather was absolutely perfect for some outdoor fun! The kids had a blast and I can't wait to go again in the fall with all 3 kids and James!
 We started off the day by first visiting the Easter Bunny. Last year, Luke didn't do too well with the big rabbit so I was curious how he would do this year. He actually did quite well... Is it bad that I was hoping for a picture with him screaming? Does that make me a bad Mom?!? Pic with the bunny coming soon... :)

 One thing Luke wasn't fond of was all this hay... he doesn't like ANYTHING on his hands.. or feet or clothes! He's a little OCD but I guess that's ok.. we still love him to pieces :)
 LOVE these two SO much! I can't believe how fast they're growing!
 Easter egg hunt time!
 Luke getting a little help from Grampy

 On the hunt for the perfect egg!

 Paige was surprisingly ASKING me to take her picture.. she usually hates pictures and NEVER looks at the camera!
 Crazy girl...
 Grammy and Paigey during our picnic lunch
 Waiting in line for the train or "choo choo" as Luke calls it :)
 Can you tell he was being a little impatient waiting?

 On the train.. Luke was DONE at this point but we still had a GREAT time and I loved making precious family memories!
 and here is our Easter Bunny picture!
Pretty cute, huh?
Happy Easter!

Flashback Friday

Paige's First Easter- 2008
                             In her church dress :)
         Is she a precious doll baby, or what?