Monday, August 22, 2011

Light up that HALO!!

Saturday night, my parents watched the babies while James and I had a date night :)
We had dinner at Island's then went to see the Angels kick some Baltimore BOOTY! Oh yeah and after the Angel game was a MERCY ME concert! It was awesome.. and even more awesome that it was included with our ticket price!

I love taking pictures like this. James, not so much. The whole time we're posing, he's mumbling "how many of these pictures do we have..why do we need another??" and I'm like "be quiet and act like you're happy" LOL!
          They turn out so cute though! :)

 Mercy Me!!!
We had such a fun night.. one of our favorite things to do together!

4th Grade!

As all parents say, I can't believe how grown up Kaylynn is looking! She started 4th grade last week!! When James and I started dating, Kaylynn had just turned 2 and now it seems as if I *blinked* and BAM she's a big 4th grader! She LOVES school and is so excited for this year and all of the fun and challenging things that come along with it! Good luck kaylynn, I know you'll do great..I pray for you daily and know God has a great plan for your life!

 Then when I got home it kinda hit me.. It another *blink* it will be Paige and Luke's turn to be taking pictures with their "pack-packs" on (as Paigey would say) just before we walk out the door to their first day of school. And then I was sad..
Lord, thank you SO much for this special time with my babies. Please help me to cherish it and please, please help me to use it wisely.