Friday, January 20, 2012

Flashback/Fast Forward Friday!

January 14, 2006
 6 years....

 and an additional 2 kids later...
we're still going strong! Happy 6 year anniversary James! I LOVE you!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Life so far in 2012....

Has been full of sunshine and park days...
 climbing and laughing...
 making new friends..
 Playing with Paw Paw and Puppies..

 and learning new things!

Life so far in 2012 has been blessed.. A GREAT start to a New Year!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas Day 2011

Our Christmas was SO much fun this year! All of the kids are at the age where they are just a joy to watch on Christmas morning! Of course they are also at the age where they know the TRUE meaning of why and WHO we are celebrating! The birth of our LORD and SAVIOR! Here are just a few pics from our family Christmas :)
 The girls were both VERY excited to set out Santa's cookies and milk and some carrots for the reindeer!

 The kids were very happy with all the special things Santa brought them. They must have been EXTRA special this year :) Well, most of the time they were ;)
Paigey got her number one request, a purple big girl bike!
 Kaylynn got a fashion design set, a digital camera, a scrapbooking kit and a few other goodies!
 OOOOOHHHHHH!!! Love Luke's face!
 Lalaloopsy silly hair doll!
 Having fun with Max :)
 A little later that morning, my parents, sister and grandparents all came over and we opened up more presents.

 Paige's favorite was the trampoline. I'm glad I got this picture with Luke on the trampoline because he hasn't been back on since. He was NOT a fan!
 Look at how big these cuties are getting!
We had such a wonderful, blessed Christmas and hope you all did too!