Since we finally have a place where the kids can play outside, we thought we should probably get a few outside toys! We were planning on getting Paige a cozy coupe car and then James spotted this. It's a remote controlled VW bug looking car.. it's super cute! The thing we love about it, is that we control where she goes in it.. but shh she doesn't realize that yet! Paige LOVES it!
Here she is trying to help Daddy put it together

She wasn't able to ride in it right away because it had to charge overnight.. she loved sitting in it though :)

FINALLY able to drive my car!

See ya mom!

And of course we didn't forget about this little guy... we got him a baby swing to attach to the play set in the back yard.. he loves to swing!

getting pushed by Sissy

Love that face :)
Did Kaylynn get something fun too? Backyards full of fun things for kids to do are the best!
Oh, and the car...adorable!
she got a bike too but isn't here on the weekends!! her bike post is next! :)
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