Last week James had his reenlistment ceremony and I was SO proud to be able to go!

James' Dad and Step-mom were also in town last week so they were able to come as well :)
( Does his Dad remind you of anybody?? Keep reading and you'll see what i'm talking about)
Signing over another 4 years of his life to the government... :)

So proud of him!
After the ceremony, His Dad took us all out to lunch at Lucilles.. YUM!

Later on that night, we had a special visitor...
Luke wasn't too sure about him at first..

"You look so familiar"
and of course Santa came with gifts!

Can you believe how much he resembles Santa? Kinda freaky huh? haha!

Playin with all their goodies!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa! We had a great time visiting with you!
Oh and I had to post this pic.. you might think it's inappropriate, we all think it's HILARIOUS!

Toby liked Santa too!
I apologize if I offended anyone with my dog's behavior! haha!!
hahahahahah.....ahahahahah HILARIOUS!
Merry Christmas Anderson Family!
haha that picture is hilarious!
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