Friday, February 11, 2011

23 months!!

So here I go getting all sentimental with my baby.. again! I cannot believe that in ONE month my little Luke-man will be TWO!!! Which means I will have a 2 year old AND a 3 year old... YIKES!! I thought I'd document a few things my baby boy is up to these days. So here's a little spotlight on Luke :)

At 23 months you are.....

CRAZY, hilarious, talkative, cuddly, VERY temperamental, smart, adventurous, stubborn, loving, sweet and definitely ALL boy!!
 Your favorite movie is Toy Story 3. We watch it everyday, sometimes twice!

Your favorite cartoon is Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

Your favorite part of the day is when your Daddy gets home from work. I LOVE your bond with your Daddy. You ADORE him!
You are an AWESOME eater! I think you would eat all day if we let you! Some of your favorites are KETCHUP, bananas, avocados, strawberries, apples, green beans,cinnamon cheerios, tuna, pizza, french fries (are you like your momma or what??) the list could go on and on!!
Your nicknames are Lukey and Luke-Man
You are a talking's adorable! Your newest phrase is "I yub yoooouuu" (I love you) but when you say "you" your lips are all puckered up for a kiss. You've also perfected "thank you" "what's this?" and "why?"

 You LOVE to dance. It's hilarious. If there's any kind of music on, you're shakin your booty!
 You can throw some pretty massive tantrums! You are very passionate.. and dramatic! You love your paci and your rag...enjoy that paci baby, you won't have it much longer :)

You love to be held, especially just before bed with your head on my shoulder. LOVE. THAT.

You have an excessive drooling problem... even if you're not teething...
 You love to climb on things and then jump off of them. Can you say heart attack for Mommy?!
 I LOVE that you are getting better about walking and holding my prefer that over the stroller anyday!

Most of all I LOVE the fact that you're MINE!! You are the most precious little boy in the whole wide world and we love you SO much! Happy 23 months baby boy! xoxoxo

1 Samuel 1:27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Brandi, THAT was a sweet post! What a lucky little man to have you for his Mommy!