Oh right, that would be ME! But of course I would never allow her to have markers while unattended...what I couldn't get in these pictures (mostly because she wasn't cooperating with pictures being taken) are the marks on her forehead underneath her bangs... I noticed that during bath time :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Markers and a 2 year old
Um... who is supposed to be watching this child?????
Oh right, that would be ME! But of course I would never allow her to have markers while unattended...what I couldn't get in these pictures (mostly because she wasn't cooperating with pictures being taken) are the marks on her forehead underneath her bangs... I noticed that during bath time :)

Oh right, that would be ME! But of course I would never allow her to have markers while unattended...what I couldn't get in these pictures (mostly because she wasn't cooperating with pictures being taken) are the marks on her forehead underneath her bangs... I noticed that during bath time :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We've been HAUNTED!
So last night around 8 o'clock, I was sitting at the computer and James was watching TV.. the kids were all in bed.. And the doorbell rings. We were like who the heck could that be?!? So we both went to the door, James opened it of course and this is what we found....
This yummy plate of goodies!
"The Phantom haunts you happily from now to Halloween
And was delivered by a friend who (hopefully) was not seen
The spirit of the neighborhood has come to wish you well,
Someone, Somewhere selected you to receive this happy spell!
You must display the Phantom (paper w/ghost)on your door so all can spy
That you're already haunted by this happy little guy
Then fix 3 sacks with goodies like the ones given to you
Ring someones bell and leave a bag and make them happy too!"
Isn't that a cute/fun idea??
Isn't that a cute/fun idea??
Mission accomplished! Hopefully they enjoy their goodies and keep this little game going!
Do any of you play this or something like this in your neighborhood? If not, you should.. it's a great way to try and get acquainted.. If you already do something like this, tell me about it!
Monday, October 19, 2009
That is exactly how we feel right now.... VERY relieved!! Paige had her consultation with the Orthopedic surgeon today for what we thought was "pigeon toes" Turns out what she has is called metatarsus adductus, which is a foot deformity caused by the infants position in the womb. The doctor said that a lot of times it is a result of hip dysplasia so he ordered a hip x-ray and that was completely normal! I am sososososososo thankful to God right now that she doesn't need a SINGLE THING DONE! I was bracing myself for the possibilty of her needing braces on her legs but NOPE! He said that the rest of her bone structure is normal and her case is not severe so she will outgrow it between 5-8years of age... he just suggested putting her in gymnastics or ballet.. something where she would work pointing her feet outwards... I can do that!
Here she is waiting for the Doctor to come in.. her pants are off so he could examine her legs and feet.. she was the perfect little patient!

I don't care what any Doctor says.. God made her just...

Here she is waiting for the Doctor to come in.. her pants are off so he could examine her legs and feet.. she was the perfect little patient!
I don't care what any Doctor says.. God made her just...
Peace, Love and Rock & Roll!
That was the theme of Grace's (my friend Kelly's daughter.. we've been friends since jr.high) 7th birthday party! We had a great time, especially Paige.. and let me tell you, she can cut a mean rug! (dance!) It was mostly kids Gracies age, it was all set with an area to make your own "backstage pass" and it even had a little tattoo parlor where you could get some free temporary tattoos.. Paige cried when I took hers off in the bath today! I took a few pics, mostly of my own kids of course.. but enjoy!
Luke with the birthday girl!
Luke with the birthday girl!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Guess who has a CHOMPER!
Why this little guy, of course! I know it's really hard to see but he has one little tooth breaking through! So cute! I will post more when it's a little more visible! :)
Pumpkin Picking!
On Saturday morning, James and I took a trip with the babies to Oak Glen for some Pumpkin picking! Really, we cut the pumpkins right off the vine! We had a great time and Paige loved it too! I only got pictures of the pumpkin patch but after that we had lunch and then looked around at some of the shops. We weren't able to get to all the stores and do all the activities but we are definitely planning on going back sometime soon! They also have apple orchards where you can pick your own apples.. The season for that is September so next year we're going to try that out! I did manage to buy some yummy apple butter though.. ( and may I add another YUMMY!) The only thing that would have made this little outing better, is if Kaylynn was able to go with us! We'll be going to another pumpkin patch for her to pick out her pumpkin, so i'll post pictures of that later!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The news we've been DREADING!
So, it's official... James will be deploying to Afghanistan in March. We're not sure of the exact date yet, but we've been told that it will be mid-march. It kinda came as no surprise, but we were also hoping that it wouldn't happen.. of course... or at least not this soon after getting off of recruiting duty and moving. What really stinks is that because his deployment is only 5 months away, he will be gone a lot preparing for it. He was gone training at the end of September for a week and will be gone again for another week at the end of this month. So just keep James in your prayers, I think he's somewhat anxious/nervous about this deployment just because things are getting so bad in Afghanistan. All we can do is put all of our worries and anxietys in God's hands and just trust that everyone will be taken care of. I'll let everyone know when we know more!
Her new favorite thing
This Dora backpack bought by Grammy of course! Paige LOVES it and it goes everywhere with us! She puts any and everything in it! I wanted a small backpack for her so when I take the kids with me to church during the week, i'm not lugging around 2 diaper bags, a 2 year old, a tank of a 6 month old in a car carrier and my own stuff.. I thought this would be an easy way to store a few diapers, a snack and a sippy for her and she could carry it all by herself! Well, she had her own plans for this backpack.. she wants all her toys in it and gets very upset if I try to put anything in it! Oh well, i'll keep trying! Oh and it's so cute when she has a dress on, then puts her backpack on... her dress is wadded up above her diaper with her little diaper butt hanging out.. i'll have to get a pic of that later:)
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