That is exactly how we feel right now.... VERY relieved!! Paige had her consultation with the Orthopedic surgeon today for what we thought was "pigeon toes" Turns out what she has is called metatarsus adductus, which is a foot deformity caused by the infants position in the womb. The doctor said that a lot of times it is a result of hip dysplasia so he ordered a hip x-ray and that was completely normal! I am sososososososo thankful to God right now that she doesn't need a SINGLE THING DONE! I was bracing myself for the possibilty of her needing braces on her legs but NOPE! He said that the rest of her bone structure is normal and her case is not severe so she will outgrow it between 5-8years of age... he just suggested putting her in gymnastics or ballet.. something where she would work pointing her feet outwards... I can do that!
Here she is waiting for the Doctor to come in.. her pants are off so he could examine her legs and feet.. she was the
perfect little patient!

I don't care what any Doctor says.. God made her just...

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