Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We've been HAUNTED!

So last night around 8 o'clock, I was sitting at the computer and James was watching TV.. the kids were all in bed.. And the doorbell rings. We were like who the heck could that be?!? So we both went to the door, James opened it of course and this is what we found....
This yummy plate of goodies!
It also came with a little note, and another pictures of a ghost..
Here's what the note said:
"The Phantom haunts you happily from now to Halloween
And was delivered by a friend who (hopefully) was not seen
The spirit of the neighborhood has come to wish you well,
Someone, Somewhere selected you to receive this happy spell!
You must display the Phantom (paper w/ghost)on your door so all can spy
That you're already haunted by this happy little guy
Then fix 3 sacks with goodies like the ones given to you
Ring someones bell and leave a bag and make them happy too!"

Isn't that a cute/fun idea??
That means it was our turn tonight so here is our plate of yummies all ready to go!

Mission accomplished! Hopefully they enjoy their goodies and keep this little game going!
Do any of you play this or something like this in your neighborhood? If not, you should.. it's a great way to try and get acquainted.. If you already do something like this, tell me about it!

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