Our Christmas Eve started off with James making us a yummy french toast breakfast.... there are no pictures of it because it was just devoured too quickly :)

We then got to work on making some cookies... we usually make them in the begining of the month but with James being gone one weekend, his family being here another.. Christmas eve was the day!

Showing off her Santa shirt, she LOVES Santa!

Paige trying to convince Paw Paw to let her open "just 1 pesent!!"

Can we ever take a serious picture????

not at the same time I guess.... :)

A new tradition we started this year.. the kids get to open up one present Christmas Eve from mommy and daddy.. it's always going to be Christmas pj's to wear to bed while they wait for Santa.. hopefully always matching, i'm sure they'll LOVE that when they're older!

We could have saved some money if we knew Luke would have been more interested in the boxes and tissue paper

don't think they're gonna fit paw paw!

Kaylynn showing off her jammies

best I could get of a pic of all 3!
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