A few weeks ago ( I know, im a little behind on my blogging) James' family came and kept us company for a few days! In our house we had James' grandma, his sister Eryn and his sister Shauna and her 2 kids.. Jackson and Shannon. His Dad and Stepmom were also in town and they stayed at a local hotel.... we had a very FULL house but we had a blast! Our original plan was to get all the kiddos out to disneyland but that didn't work out because of the rain. We just hung out around the house, did a little shopping, had a gift exchange and just had a great visit.
James' Dad, Jackson and Luke

Shauna and Shannon

Paige finally got to meet her "twin cousin" they were born on the same day/year...(mine and Shaunas due dates were actually the same day too!)

Santa and Mrs. Claus even made a visit!

Paige LOVED it!

"Santa" and Aunt Eryn

Getting some candy from "Mrs. Claus"

Kaylynn w/one of her gifts

Paige and her dress up clothes

Luke opening presents w/Grandma

James with his webcam from Shauna.. hopefully we'll be able to use it while he's deployed..

Merry Christmas!

We also took a big family picture while they were here but for some reason, can't get those to load! I'll try again later! We had a great time with all of you.. can't wait to get together again! Love you all!
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