We are just STARTING to make VERY little progress with Luke and the potty. This boy is SO stubborn (I don't know where he gets it:) He has gone pee 3 times and that is IT! Now that we are moved and starting to get settled, potty training is about to be my #1 priority.. followed by ending temper tantrums and telling me "NO!"
But isn't he so darn cute?
Here's my pretty Paigey girl sitting outside Grammy and Grampy's house just enjoying the sunshine.
LOL.. this boy again. He keeps us on our toes and laughing all day long. Don't worry, I'll be buying a bigger car seat for him soon... :)
Last BBQ in our backyard :( Luke had his shirt off because he was the Hulk.. he was also asking for some purple pants because that's what the Hulk wears.. haha!
This last one I almost deleted off of my phone. Paige took this picture and clearly no one is looking at the camera or even realizing their picture was being taken. But if you look closely at James, Paige has some impressive photography skills! She made James grow a ponytail! haha
Until my next random post....
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