Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on,
pooped on,
chewed on,
peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never stayed up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Befor I was a Mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put him/her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much.

Before I was a Mom, I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was OK.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the LOVE,
the heartache,
the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling SO much,
Before I was a Mom.

 I am SO blessed to be a Mommy and this Mothers Day I was showered with love, flowers and gifts! Oh.. and yummy Mexican food :)
My Parents, Grandparents, and sister all came over and we went to my FAVORITE mexican place, Guadalajara's.. YUM!
 My sweet Grandparents

 Love this picture!

 Did I ever mention that my Grandma is CRAZY?!?
 So is my Son.. Ha!
We all had so much fun and I can't wait to go spend my gift cards! :)

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