Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A little update...

So not being able to post pics on here from my home computer is REALLY annoying! So instead of waiting to be @ my parents house to update my blog with pics... i'm just going to start posting without them! Eventually there will be more to look at:) Not much has changed around our house lately... well, one thing.. James and I got a dog for our anniversary. We got her back in January when she was 10 weeks old. She is a golden retriever and her name is Abby. She's A LOT of work.. cute.. but a lot of work! To tell you the truth, I want to go back to getting jewelery for my anniversary next year :) She's going to be a great family dog though:) As you all know, our family will soon be expanding once again. I'm due in 2 weeks! My doctor though is talking about inducing me on the 12th because he's getting a little large! I wish he could induce me tomorrow! I'm SO ready to not be pregnant anymore! I will not be missing those bathroom trips every 10 minutes! I will keep you all updated with the latest on the baby front. I go back to the doctor this Thursday. Also, if you're reading this.. please keep my parents in your prayers. They are going through some hard times and could definitely use the extra prayers:)bye for now!

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