Thursday, November 3, 2011

Well hello November!!

So I am once again, WAY behind on my blogging! I DO have a good excuse this time though. James has been in Yuma for the past 5 weeks and he took his our laptop with him. Can you say, blogging withdrawls?!? Well he's back and now it's time to catch up on the good ol' blog!

Back in September, the kids started AWANAS! They absolutely LOVE it!  Kaylynn is in Truth and Trainers, Paigey is in Cubbies, and Luke is in cute is that??

I think this picture was taken their 2nd week of AWANAS.
 Little man looks SO grown up and adorable with his hat and backpack on! 

Kaylynn and Paige each have workbooks and "homework" each week along with a bible verse to remember. I've even caught Kaylynn reading her bible a few times on her own! I am LOVING this new adventure for my kids and I'm so excited to see them grow spiritually! More posts coming soon!!!

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